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  • Writer's pictureBradford Wynn

United We Stand: The Perks of Employing a Diverse Event Staff

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

The beauty of this world in which we live is that it encompasses people from a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Each one bringing their own set of talents and knowledge base, which may be utilized to improve any event. I believe that a staff made up of individuals from many different backgrounds is essential for event planning. You can't predict what insights and solutions a diverse group of people could provide.

Having a diverse group of people on your side is an important advantage. Diversity extends beyond race to include:

  • Age

  • Disabilities

  • Economic Background

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Gender

  • Religious Beliefs

  • Education

  • Cognitive Style

Benefits of Employing a Diverse Event Staff

You have a broader range of concepts, experiences, and opinions to draw upon - A diversified staff will offer you access to better brainstorming ideas and perhaps even solutions for problems. Diversity can also motivate and inspire your staff. Diversity can be a great source of motivation for your staff members when they are given the opportunity to meet with people outside their own cultural environment.

Widen your range of services - If you have a diverse team, you can take your company to a whole new level. Your team members may speak different languages or be familiar with the customs of other countries. This might take your company to a new level where you can provide services across the world. Diversity is essential for any business that wants to succeed in the global market. Diversity leads to innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.

Better Events - When you have a staff made up of individuals from many different backgrounds, the team spirit and sense of oneness are enhanced. This allows for more productive, efficient, effective, and profitable events. Diversity encourages the sharing of ideas and permits collaborative thinking about event planning, and can lead to improved communication because all team members can share their opinions, ideas, or perspectives about certain issues.

A diverse staff increased the adaptability of events - We all know events can take some pretty crazy twists and turns and having a “rainbow coalition” of sorts will give you the power to use the myriad of talents and skills to adapt to any situation that may come your way during an event. Diversity gives you more tools in your tool box, and more ideas to solve problems. There is strength and resilience in diversity; events are always changing and diverse teams adapt easily to the changes. Diversity makes events stronger because it allows for multiple perspectives on issues or challenges faced during an event.

Diverse Staff Challenges

Building a diverse event staff is crucial for long-term success, however, there are challenges that every event planner should be aware of when adding some variety to their team.

Resisting Change

When forming their team, some managers may be subjected to prejudice and preconceptions about people from different backgrounds. One way to overcome these challenges is to provide diversity training to your personnel. Diversity training can help employees understand the benefits of diversity and how to embrace it in the workplace. Diversity training can also help employees understand their own biases and how to overcome them. If there are any employees who cannot overcome their biases, it would be in your best interest to get rid of them right away. Diversity is essential for the success of any event planning business, and it is up to you to make sure your team is ready and willing to embrace it.

Communication Barriers

Sometimes you may employ team members where English is not their first language. This can be fun because you can learn a few things in the process, but more importantly, it is paramount that you overcome any language barriers. Failure to do so can lead to confusion, isolation, and ineffective work. It is important that you have a “go-to” person. This person does not necessarily need to be the most experienced, but this person needs to know how to speak effectively in English with everyone on your staff. This way they can act as an interpreter when necessary. You may also consider having one or two members of your team be bi-lingual. It is also important that you have a solid understanding of the culture and customs of each member of your event planning staff. This way it will be easier for everyone to understand what's going on, as well as allowing them to feel more comfortable knowing they can ask any questions.


I believe it's fantastic that we live in a world where everyone from all walks of life is welcome. The more open you are to others' differences, the stronger your environment will be for unity, harmony, and excellent work ethic. Diversity on your event staff will only help your event planning company improve, and who does not want to do better?

As always, WE would like to wish you the best in all that you do! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to post them below or shoot me an email. Subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest blogs and stay up to date with The Wynning Experience events.

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This is Bradford Wynn signing off and may all your events be a "Wynning Experience"!


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